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The Book for our Times: Bootstrapping Big Businesses


Discover the secrets of transforming your dreams into successful businesses, assembling a rockstar team, and conquering the path to  profitability—all without those investors constantly peering over your shoulder.

My adventure from Startup to Proficorn is an exhilarating journey of my life as a successful serial tech entrepreneur. In my book, I uncover all the valuable lessons and insider secrets I picked up to launch, scale, and sustain startups like a pro. I’m confident that this book will be an ultimate guide, providing a blueprint to create immensely lucrative enterprises with minimal dependence on external funding.

But I’m not embarking on the journey to proficorn alone. Along the way, I’ll be diving into the real-life stories of fellow proficorn entrepreneurs, immersing ourselves in their failures and successes. Together, we’ll gain invaluable insights at every step of the entrepreneurial journey. Moreover, with the wealth of experience I’ve accumulated over the last three decades, I shed light on the common pitfalls you must avoid when managing your venture.

My goal is for this book to not only help you create a profitable business but also to foster sustainable habits, thrive as a successful entrepreneur, and, ultimately, achieve greatness.


“This book is my emotional voyage into the heart and soul of building a profitable business. Within its pages, I pour out my experiences and wisdom, inviting you to embrace the ‘entrepreneurial mindset’ and discover the transformative power it holds for your own remarkable journey.”

Now Available on Amazon



